So here's the thing.....I've had so many quote requests these past few weeks to design and implement web sites. January is always a busy month as folks make their plans for launch or try out new ideas for a new year ahead but a major driver was the shaky TikTok situation and the downtime for the US (albeit very short downtime). The need for a website became very obvious to those who prefer to use social media as their business platforms.
As socials become less reliable and polarised, the need for a website comes to the fore. There are questions that you need to ask yourself before you head into design and implementation. An online space for you and your business needs to be a relfection of who you are and what you have to offer. Your site is your PR tool - it's your calling card...it's your kite mark and official notification of your speciialism. Your socials are your "shout-outs" and your conversation with your audience - so there is a difference but they do work together.
CREDIBILITY - There is a mistrust of online interraction and rightly so. We all have to question what we share in terms of information and what we click in terms of data capture and viruses. I never purchase from socials. I always check a company website to foster confidence in a potential purchase. If you have a business you NEED a credible, branded, carefully crafted website.
There are a few types of website that you can have and this is dependant on what your business might be. Various types of sites will have a financial implication in relation to the addition of apps etc.
Online Store - This is a website with a store app installed. You need a payment gateway to accept online payments which I can arrange for you and it works like any other platform such as Shopify or Etsy and takes an average of 2.3% from every purchase. Other costs to consider are Design costs, hosting costs and as mentioned, transactional costs on your store. It can work out cheaper to have an actual website rather than a Shopify or Etsy store as the general running costs are lower once you have it designed and implemented.
Showcase - Your website can be a platform to showcase your gallery and artworks or projects. It can integrate above with an e-commerce site to sell your creations.
Not for profit - Your fundraising can be elevated with a comprehensive website that features your charity. A website can be integrated seamlessly with Go Fund Me and JustGiving avoiding any percentage levied by an e-commerce set-up ensuring that you get the full amounts..
Wellness - Perhaps your business involves therapy, yoga or beauty. This type of site involves appointments and e-commerce for deposits or full payments. The ingregation of a calendar is necessary and acts as the engine for this type of site.
Business Card - This serves to ensure you have an online presence for your business but doesn't employ e-commerce. It's an informational site fostering confidence. Your site can expand at any time as your business grows.
Click Funnel - A one-page selling tool thta funnels a potential client through to a purchase
Learning - Online course apps can be added to your website and e-commerce is integrated to provide a learning platform that sells courses.
Bespoke - Sometimes there is a need for a very different website that meets your needs and this requires bespoke design and custom coding.
Websites can vary in cost but there is a way to reduce this and get yourself online. I have pre-prepared templates that you can purchase and populate. This is a pre-designed website that fits your business genre. It comes with all the apps necesssary to function efectively. You simply pay a one off fee for the template and have a choice of filling it out yourself or I can do that for you at a small fee, then on top of that you need to purchase your hosting plan
It's important to have a think about what you expect from your site and I'm happy to help you figure out what you need so reach out and let's have a chat.